So I discovered my newish, used car has a quirk---the heater blows cold air. Always one to give inanimate objects feelings, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I tried and tried and tried to coax it to "warm up" but it was just no use. Now I like cold weather and could usually care less about my heater, in fact I try avoid them at all costs; but, I'm going to have a baby soon and she probably wont like cold weather like me-just yet. So what's a girl to do?
Call her ex-boyfriend of course. You know, the one that can do everything, or at least thinks he can. So I asked if he would look at it for me expecting a "yeah sure", with an underlying "yeah right". But for reasons unknown he agreed to look at it, and to my immense surprise actually did. He immediately decided it must be the "blend door actuator" and agreed to take my car apart and fix it-at no cost to me.
So today he came over and proceeded to take my dashboard apart in order to get to the actuators. Only when he did, he discovered the actuators aren't the problem-the heater flap thing is. Okay so that's not its technical name but I'm a girl so give me credit for my description.
I think, well I'm almost positive my thoughts are ridiculous. Of course he'll come back and fix it, right? But it does leave me car less for the next few days. It's strange to think if I needed to go somewhere right now, I would have no way to get there. I mean I could always call someone, but I HATE depending on other people for things like that.
1 comment:
You're right, that does look scary. Jackson and I are going to go run around tomorrow if you wanna come with.
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