Big girl baths where she splashes around with the biggest grin on her face while trying to get her rubber ducky or foam letters.
How every time we go to a store like Target or Wal-Mart, I can’t help but buy her a new doll.
How interested she is in watching me cook.
How interested she is in everything.
That she likes looking in the mirror as much as I do. haha
That she knows who I am now, and it upsets her when I walk away.
When she wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my shoulder.
How no matter how bad my day was, when I come home to her smiling face, I know everything is going to be alright.
How stubborn she is. I wonder if she gets that from me. Or him.
Her big brown eyes.
The way she rubs her eyes when she’s sleepy.
That bedtime is 8pm. And she sleeps through the night.
The ways she sleeps with her arm around her praying bear. Every night.
Her vocal tangents. And the rare occasions she says mama. Mad and indiscriminately of course.
How good she smells after a bath.
Getting to know her.
Knowing I had a part in making something so amazing.
And everything else about her.